We hope you are looking forward to the spring term!
Our Geography topic is Extreme Earth. For Writing we looking at a twisted traditional tale of the three little pigs. For Maths we are focusing on Multiplication and Division.
Below you can find our curriculum letter and curriculum overview for the Spring term.
As always if you have any questions please do message on class Dojo.
Our History topic for the Autumn term was Stone age to Iron age. Our curriculum overview and termly letter are attached below to give more information about the class this year and the subject content covered in the Autumn term.
If you have any questions please do speak to us after school or message on class Dojo.
We recently went to visit Coleshill. We enjoyed finding out more about the seasonable vegetables that are being grown this Autumn. Later in the day, we learnt all about the watermill and created our own willow woven fish.